As a Technical Writer and Information Architect, I provide the following services.

Technical Documentation

I focus on the following activities in software documentation:

Content development

  • Technical documentation, user documentation & help
  • Both for techies (developers) & non-tech consumers
  • In-product, embedded, on-line, printed
  • Docs as code
    • Single-sourced, modular, published via CI/CD pipelines, with metadata on request
  • Varied deliverable formats: HTML, PDF, ePub, CHM, manpages or custom on request
  • Intelligent delivery (iiRDS) option for Industry 4.0 on request

Content maintenance

  • Keeping it up-to-date with software releases

Content marketing

  • Showcasing a software product or service, for example in a technical blog

Translation of software documentation (mainly Czech ↔ English)

Innovation and automation of documentation (creation, typesetting, publishing)

Information Architecting

Creation of content structure & templates

In-house style guides design

  • Ensuring consistency of technical communication (including documentation) in your organization
  • From terminology, through language & phrasing, to typographical formatting conventions
  • Across documentation, product UIs, legal documents, marketing deck, sales, PR & more

Consolidation (restructuring) of existing docs

Writing for User Experience (UX)

  • Labeling – designing phrases for software product UIs (GUI, CLI, API) & error messages
  • UI localization (mainly Czech ↔ English)
  • User workflow beta testing and feedback for product design

Consulting & Training


  • I can help you select and set up a documentation toolchain most suitable for your people & existing infrastructure
  • I can help you improve information architecture, knowledge management & communication flows in your organization (integrated technical communications)

Content audit

  • I can advise you how to improve quality of your technical content


  • I can teach you or your staff to make quality documentation