Sam­ples of my work for var­i­ous clients.

Technical Writing for Red Hat Satellite: 2022–Present

  • Updates and redesign for a com­mu­ni­ty project, var­i­ous guides — Fore­man Doc­u­men­ta­tion (Night­ly builds)
  • Fore­man is an upstream vari­ant of Red Hat Satellite
  • The struc­ture of the docs is main­tained by the com­mu­ni­ty, I reg­u­lar­ly sug­gest improve­ments to the TOC and con­tent after dis­cus­sion and pri­or­i­ti­za­tion with Satel­lite prod­uct man­age­ment and Cus­tomer Con­tent Services
  • I adapt­ed quick­ly and I am loved by the com­mu­ni­ty, engi­neer­ing and oth­er tech­writ­ers — see Ref­er­ences
  • You can also check out my pull requests on GitHub for proof of work
  • From Octo­ber 2021
  • Method­ol­o­gy: Sin­gle-sourced docs as code, pub­lished via CI/CD pipelines to HTML and PDF online
  • Tool­ing: Asci­iDoc, VS Code Edi­tor, git, GitHub, Git­Lab, Jira, bash CLI scripting

Technical Writing for Red Hat Directory Server: 2021

  • Admin­is­tra­tion Guide ➤ Con­fig­ur­ing Direc­to­ry Data­bas­es – drafts
  • From March to August 2021
  • Method­ol­o­gy: Sin­gle-sourced docs as code, pub­lished via CI/CD pipelines to HTML and PDF online
  • Tool­ing: Asci­iDoc, Atom Text Edi­tor, git, Git­Lab, Jira, inter­nal CLI scripts for tem­plat­ed stubs and out­put builds

Technical Writing for CZ.NIC FRED: 2015–2020

  • FRED — Open-source domain Reg­is­ter man­age­ment software
  • I’ve designed and wrote from scratch most of the docs that remain in use: FRED Doc­u­men­ta­tion (until ver­sion 2.40)
  • Method­ol­o­gy: Sin­gle-sourced docs as code, pub­lished via CI/CD pipelines to HTML online
  • Tool­ing: reStruc­tured­Text, Atom Text Edi­tor, Git­Lab, Sphinx Doc tool for out­put builds

Presentations for Various Conferences